서울 퍼블리셔스 테이블 약 230팀 제작자들이

어떤 책을 가지고 왔는지 미리 살펴보실 수 있습니다 :)

Check out what kind of books 230 teams of publishers brought to the Seoul Publishers Table :)

Temporary Press

Temporary Press

Temporary Press publishes books around art and design with an interest in ideas and practices exploring alternative or incidental notions of design. With limited resources, the press relies on economical design and production methods, often with a black-only Risograph and simple tools. Based in Singapore since 2018, Temporary Press is run by gideon-jamie and distributed internationally by Idea Books. Contact us via email ( temporarypress@gideon-jamie.com  ) or IG ( @temporarypress

서울 퍼블리셔스 테이블

서울시 용산구 이태원동 320 썬트리하우스

Seoul Publishers Table Indie Book Fair

Suntree House, 320 Itaewon-dong, 

Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea